
Sharing experience and what shaped it.


Fast Sandbagging

Our community got hit by floods in 2017 and 2019. We got a LOT of practice making sandbags and we have documented what we think is the fastest way to make sandbags, but if you know faster, we are all ears.

Watch ten people generate a sandbag every 2 seconds, or 1,000 sandbags an hour. The entire process is laid out in this topic as a public service.

Weighting for Godot

How I manage my weight easily. Nothing to buy, just things to know.

"Waiting for Godot" is a classic play in which the characters are waiting for someone named Godot, but he never arrives. My experience with weight loss had a similar "never going to happen" feel to it. I tried and failed at dieting for 2 years, and then I went from 188 lbs to 160 in 6 weeks. It was easy. This topic tells you how. Ten years later I am 150 lbs, because I want to be. I have complete control of my weight. I think everyone really should have this knowledge, so I wrote it up.

The Knowledge Pattern

While working on a Knowledge Management (KM) project we made an important distinction to describe "knowledge." The distinction has led to the Knowledge Pattern presented here. The pattern shows how an agent can:
    + Identify a goal,
    + Recognize the right conditions and
    + Take action to achieve that goal.
All these aspects are covered in the Knowledge Pattern, which may be useful in the pursuit of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Everything IS Getting faster

Ray Kurzweil was an inventor at age 13 and has been tracking various inventions over time. He has discovered that everything that uses information technology is advancing at an exponential rate. The time between major inventions is halving.

Chaos = Creativity

James Gleick's first book, "Chaos: Making a New Science", an international best-seller, chronicled the development of chaos theory and made the Butterfly Effect a widely used phrase.

Chaos is different from randomness and I had to see it for myself. I wrote a java program to simulate it. This topic includes some videos and images that show the difference and show how creativity can come from the heart of chaos.

There is also come java code for you to play with if you are interested.